
chapter 37

Sophia Parker

We're having a huge dinner later today at the house and I don't know why. I've been bothering my mum to tell me who the special guest is but she said it's a surprise.

I don't like surprises.

"Mum, just say who the person is! Does dad know already?" I pestered her. We were both in the kitchen making some food.

"Yes, he does."

"Then how come I don't get to know?!"

"Because the surprise is for you!" She smiled and I only rolled my eyes.

I tried to think of who it could possibly be but not many people came to my mind.

It wasn't any of my friends from college because we wouldn't need to prepare a huge dinner and even bake a choc chip pecan pie... which my mum was currently doing. This person must be really special.

Who was special to me?

I thought about it and also, not many made the list.

Well... there was Mr Wilson of course. But there was no way he is the surprise guest. From what I know, my mum isn't really a fan of him anymore. And my dad doesn't even know him. Besides h
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