

Dylan and Archie continued to talk, seated on one of the benches in the castle's courtyard.  

"After we visit there another place you would like to visit?" Archie asked.  

"Hmmm," Dylan went into thoughtful mode and then chuckled. 

"What?" asked Archie, being totally curious.

"The only place I know after Greavaria is the..."

Suddenly a messenger rode passing through them at great speed.

Both followed the knight with their eyes. The knight reached the foot of the main entrance to the castle, quickly dismounted from his horse and ran into the castle.

"I've never seen that kind of knight here in the castle," Dylan said.

"That knight is a messenger who is coming straight from the battlefield."

"Huh! Promor is he in battle?"

"Yes. With the Wethage dynasty. The battle is already three months."

"I see. I don't know this dynasty. And why are you in the middle of a war?"

"There are things I don't like to talk about..." he said
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