
Till Next Time: Part II

Archie walked quickly toward the castle stable.

When he got there he looked around for something.

"Your Imperial Highness!" the stable master appeared.

Archie looked at him and the man bowed.

"Please... prepare a carriage. Anytime my..." Archie paused, "anytime the princess is going to Greavaria."

"Yes sir," the man nodded.

"And one more thing... prepare my horse... I'm about to leave."

"Yes Your Imperial Highness! It's for now!"

The man bowed and quickly left.

Archie turned and stood with his arms crossed, looking around.

After three minutes he heard the footsteps of a horse approaching.

He turned and saw the stable master bringing his horse.

Archies horse was brown and very beautiful.

"Thank you!" Archie said already approaching the horse.

The man walked away and bowed.

Archie climbed onto the horse.

"Come on Alex!" he hit the horse's sides with his legs.

The horse started walking.

Archie rode towards som
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