
He is Mine too!

The smell of my blood was enough to catch Rakesh's attention it seemed. He stopped chasing the group of people and turned his attention back on me. My scent had been intoxicating to him once before so I had a feeling that he would not be able to resist it this time either and thankfully, I was right.

I moved slowly towards him, offering out my wrist. I could feel his wary emotions of dealing with me but the coppery scent was irresistible to him. As I neared Rakesh, he pounced and sunk his teeth into my wrist without care for how much he was tearing at the flesh. Searing pain shot through my whole arm but I didn't pull away from Rakesh, I wouldn't abandon him no matter what.

"That's right," I offered softly and pulled him closer to me, wrapping my other arm around Rakesh tightly to hold him in place within my arm. I shot a warning look to the others, my eyes flashing their violet hue as I said sharply, "I suggest if you want to live, you all get the fuck out of
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