
40 The Call

Camila arrived at the Cabin, afraid and sweaty. She looked at the side mirror of the passenger's seat several times, hoping no one was following them.

While she worried about a tail, she worried about how she would break the news to Alpha Ethan. Her imagination was running wild.

She wondered why she got involved.

All Dr Rosenberg asked her to do was help the Luna out. He never instructed her to help Alpha Ethan.

She knew he might have been involved because he was part of Alpha Ethan's medical staff and the doctor that signed off on his treatment.

She wondered how deep the conspiracy was.

There was a possibility that Dr James had overthought the whole thing, and there was no silver embedded in Alpha Ethan's spine.

What would happen when they operate and find nothing?

What if they operate and some complications worsen the situation?

What if the silver was being ingested?

Even if they did blood work on Ethan, it wouldn't work because both scenarios would make him test positive fo
Karima Sa'ad Usman

Thank you all. Please be patient with the story. Things are about to get ugly, but be assured it will end well for our favourite Characters xxx

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Comments (43)
goodnovel comment avatar
Luna Amber is being poisoned by Levi. Pls this suspense is killing me, don’t let Camilla and her husband die. Don’t let the operation go unsuccessful, don’t drag the suspense pls
goodnovel comment avatar
Petagay Thompson
Heather I can't wait for the legs to work so she can get it good. lol
goodnovel comment avatar
Katie Munive
How and when do I know the next part is finished? I’ve got to know what happens next!

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