
49 Going Home

Ethan hung up, and Meadow looked at him a bit worried. She knew he had found out about his mother, and her heart reached out to him.

"How is he?" She Linked Ethan, and he squeezed her hand gently.

"We have to go home tomorrow,'" He said, and she nodded, already knowing that would happen.

"My mother is in a coma, and her liver is failing," He told her.

He had to say it aloud to get it out of his system.

Meadow's eyes welled up in tears, and she told him what Amber had told her.

"While you went to Ceenas, She told me she was sick and had only two years, but she said I shouldn't tell you. That was why I always looked worried every time I saw her," She confessed through the mind link, and Ethan was shocked that Amber would confide in Meadow with something heavy.

He was a bit angry that his mother would put such a burden on his wife.

"I would have told you, but it wasn't my secret to tell," She linked him in tears, and he tried to sit up. His back hurt, but he managed it nonetheless.

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Comments (5)
goodnovel comment avatar
Petagay Thompson
I had a funeral so I was super busy. finally got home and read over it, I must say Meadow is or will be a great luna. Amber did well in choosing happy that Ethan will heal sooner loving the progress and can't wait for Cynthia and sab to get the shock of there lives.
goodnovel comment avatar
Karima Sa'ad Usman
Thank you Marlenny (つ°ヮ°)つ
goodnovel comment avatar
Karima Sa'ad Usman
Rashel is there will understand her true purpose soon xxx

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