
Chapter 16

"Prince!" A huge grin spread across Zoe's face as she noticed Caleb. She dropped her gym bag and ran across the room and jumped into Caleb's awaiting arms.

"How was practice Princess?" Immediately she started going on about her dance recital and how excited she was to be the lead.

"Cale I'm going to go grab Joey." He nodded before quickly turning And pecking my lips. I blushed as I took in all the glares from the other Wolf-moms.

My wolf growled at the lust-filled looks Caleb was getting from the married woman in the room. How disgusting! Ugh hello, you have children and you're married ladies!

I let out a quiet growl knowing they would all hear. Immediately they turned away and began whispering to each other. I rolled my eyes and made my way out of the room and down the hall towards the baseball field.

"Hey Jacob!" I called out as I reached the baseball field. He quickly ran up to me and gave me a hug making me squeal out in suprise.

"Ari why do you smell like Caleb?" Jake growle
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