
Chapter 17

The door to the hospital room opened once again.

It turned out that Zachary and Yvonne had come. Yvonne was wearing a white floral dress, and her beautiful face was free from makeup. She looked innocent and pure.

Lexi glanced at them before looking away indifferently. She didn't look upset at all.

Martha regarded them coldly. Since she was still in recovery, she didn't say anything hurtful right off the bat.

Yvonne was holding a bouquet of Martha's favorite chrysanthemums. "Mrs. Jenkins Senior, I'm here to see you," she said. Then, she continued awkwardly, "When I walked out of the elevator, I happened to bump into Zachary."

Mary linked arms with Yvonne. "Grandma, Yvonne and I made plans to come see you today."

Since they were here to visit, Martha wasn't going to kick them out. She merely said with indifference, "Thanks, Ms. Xenos."

Zachary walked over to Lexi's side and coldly handed her a piece of bread. "I rushed here right after getting off the plane. Have something light
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