
54: Wishes


I pushed away from Lucian like he burned me. He doesn’t try to hold me back as I stand.

“What do you think you’re doing?” I give him my best glare.

The best I could muster after waking up from a very relaxing and much needed sleep. I was sure Owen wouldn’t let him come even a hundred meters close to me and it was why I let myself sleep and I lost my guard.

God, how many times will these men show me I can’t trust them?

In fact. I can’t trust men. I can only trust my dad and maybe my grandpa. The rest of them, especially those close to Lucian, are just like him.

“You need to get back in your seat and put-on your seatbelt.” He spoke calmly, probably trying to calm me down.

“What? You’re going to lock me down to the chair now?” I snapped, placing my hands on my waist and planting my feet on the floor of the plane more.

Lucian mumbles something I don’t hear as he runs his hands through his hair.

I try to not notice how the move made his muscles flex. Or how he ran his hands through h
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