
44. Dinner date with Rayen

Emma was asleep till 2 pm while Shawn waking up at 12 clears the mess on the terrace with Nami. He takes a shower then cooks lunch for Emma saying today Nami and other maids after doing their work can have half day leave. But Nami declines saying she is fine with staying here as she is all alone in this new city. So, she would be in her room in free time and when needed she would be there at their service.

Shawn nods at her and after cooking beef steaks, grilled and sauteed veggies like some tomatoes, corn, spinach, asparagus, green beans, baked sweet potato wedges with a cheese dip, classic coleslaw salad, creamy garlic mashed cauliflower, mushroom gravy and breads. He, with Nami's help, arranges everything on the tray and takes it up for her.

When he entered the room she was already awake and getting on her ass was just trying to get herself to shrug off from sleep. She was wearing a baggy t-shirt of brown colour covering till her mid thighs and seeing him smiles brightly. The aro
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