

Jack was getting ready. He saw call from Elena. " Hi! Eli. How are you? " Jack asked her, while looking himself in the mirror. He fixed his hair from his right hand while holding phone in his another hand.

" I'm good. Will you come to the park? Actually, I was going there with Drake. You also come, you will feel relax."

" Ohh.. Drake is also coming? " Jack asked her.

" Yeah..why are you surprised then? " Elena asked.

" Nothing. Okay let me get ready. I'll reach there within half an hour." Jack said and hung up the call.

" Umm.. that's why Rosy want to go for the walk." He thought.

" Rosy, come fast. Did you not get ready yet?" Jack said while stepping out of his room.

" Yeah.. I' m ready." Rosy came out running from her room.

They reached there in the park. As they entered, Jack saw Elena and Drake were waiting for him. He walked to them.

" Surprise.... " Rosy said excitedly but nobody showed any kind of startle

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