
Episode 61

*Lily's POV*

I sat across from my dad, feeling excited and nervous. He held his journal tightly, looking serious and worried. I always felt like he was never going to tell me about that journal but now, the feeling was different. He was finally going to tell me the truth.

"Father," I said, surprised by his words. "Your journal was stolen? Why would someone want it?"

He paused, taking a deep breath before explaining. "Lily, I kept that journal because it has information about our family's special heritage."

"What heritage, Father?"

He prolonged each response he gave me, "We come from a long line of protectors, chosen to fight against the darkness in the world."

I pretended to widen my eyes in shock by what he revealed. It wasn't only me this time - Our entire family had a special purpose? It's like every day, a new prophecy comes in to broaden and further complicate the big picture. It was hard to take in all at once.

"But why would someone steal it, Dad? Who wants to know about our fa
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