
Episode 79

The silence afterwards between them was nerve-wrecking. The look they exchanged made me wonder what deal exactly they struck between each other to make her talk to someone like Leo like that. And the thought of Leo getting horny for me was far more disgusting than it was scary.

Leo finally spoke but this time I could sense he was deadass serious ,"You will not talk to me like that, Audrey. You won't…"

Audrey, for the first time ever, seemed submissive and under a command. She bit her lips and stood back. Surprisingly, Leo started laughing then pushed me forward. He went to her side and whispered, "Don't touch her." He gave me one last look before walking back and standing where she once stood.

Sarah rushed to my side,"Are you okay?"

As we stood in front of Audrey and Leo, the atmosphere turned heavy and filled with tension, like a brewing storm ready to fall. It was a crucial moment, one where we had to think and act carefully. Aunt Belinda's battered face made my insides squeeze and
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