
Feed on me

It has been two days since Alex was given the necessary herbs and vervain. He hasn't even woken yet. I have been crying my eyes out nonstop while holding his hand at his bedside and praying that he wakes up soon. I just sat near him.

"He will be fine. Get some sleep, Katy. You haven't slept since last night-" I just looked at David with blank face.

"Whether you like it or not, I am taking you down to eat. All we have to do is wait and hope. So, don't starve to death Katy." He said harshly before slamming the door shut .

He's not going to die. When will he wake up? I looked outside the window, staring at the dark grey clouds pouring rain. It was relaxing and somehow calm me down. All I can do is have wait -

A groan pulled me from my thoughts and I turned to look at Alex, who was now struggling to sit up.  I helped him as he let out another groan, holding on his already bandaged bare chest before hissing in pain. I feel relieved as I just look at him, grateful
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