
Fete 2

"Sir, ma'am is almost ready. You can start getting ready." The voice from the other side of the phone informs him.

Ibrahim shuts his computer down and tidies up his desk once he receives a call from his secretary. For some reason, he was feeling jubilant to finally see his wife after two days. This strange sensation makes him a little uneasy, but he ignored it. He took a quick shower in his office before changing into a new suit that he had told Jessica to prepare for him.

After a quick shower and dressing up, he sprayed some perfume and walked through the lobby, where his driver was already waiting for him. He entered the car and nodded his head to the driver to drive him home.

This strange feeling returned. Excited? He is, indeed.

He doesn’t even know why he is even counting how many turns it will take to reach his house. He tried his best to distract himself but all his thoughts were just circulating inside his head. He had promised himself not to fall for any girl but this girl is doing something to his heart that he himself couldn’t understand.

After a few minutes, he arrives at his house. A wave of guilt washed over him, when he realized that he hadn't returned home for the past two days. And he didn't even inform Anna about his absence, overall, why should he? He was the one who said that they should not meddle in each other's personal lives. So why this guilt.

He entered inside but couldn't find anyone. He knew Jessica would have gone to cover his shift, and all he had to do now is to wait for his wife. He sat on the couch with his legs crossed.

"You have arrived, Sir. Would you like me to inform ma'am that you’re here?" The maid inquired politely.

Ibrahim simply nodded. "Yes, please." He responded.

When the maid retired to call Anna, he took out his phone and began searching for the latest economic news. He was so preoccupied with his phone that he didn't notice that Anna was already standing in front of him.

"Ibrahim..." Anna called carefully because she could see he was so engrossed in his phone that she didn't want him to think she was bothering him.

When Ibrahim heard a melodious voice calling his name, he raised his head. The word that could best describe this situation is "stunned." She looked stunning.

He may have stated that he will not fall in love with her, but he does not want to deceive himself by claiming that his wife looked especially lovely tonight. He didn’t know that Anna could look this stunning. The image of a rebellious girl blurred from his mind. All he could see was her stunning beauty which conquered all his attention.

"Are you done staring?" Anna inquired coldly. She is fussy with him for not coming home for two days leaving her all by herself.

Ibrahim scoffed. For a second, he was so mesmerized with her beauty that he forgets that this girl still had some guts to get on his nerves. He didn't say anything but gave her a cold stare and walked past her.

Anna tapped her foot, more irritated with Ibrahim’s behavior. He didn't return home for two days and still looked indifferent about it. Ibrahim, you Bastard! she cursed inside.

"Are you going to walk on your own or do you want me to drag you here?" Ibrahim inquired. Anna walked towards him with passive steps she had to obey him, otherwise, they would start arguing and going to miss the event.

The tension inside the car is not calm either. They didn't say anything and didn't even look at each other. The only sound they could hear was the car engine. Anna could tell the driver had given them a sidelong glance, but she didn’t care less.

However, staying inside the car with Anna beside him is not easy for Ibrahim. He feels like he really wants to unleash his anger on Jessica. How could the stylist let her wear something so exposed? Tonight, he might need a cold shower.

Anna cleared her throat before attempting to hold a decent conversation. “I think I’m going to look for a job.” She said in the middle of the silence.

Ibrahim sighed when he heard what Anna said just now. He thought he had provided her enough, starting with a house, clothes, cars, and his money everything so why looking for a job.

“No,” he said flatly, not even bothering to look at her.

“I’m telling you. I’m not asking for your permission.” Anna rebukes.

Ibrahim frowned at her. She hurt his pride. Does that mean what he had given her is not enough for her? “Just how much do you want? Instead of looking for work, you can tell me.”

At this point, Anna became aggravated. "I made certain that you had everything you required. People will think that I can't afford your wishes if you suddenly look for work. I couldn't stand such an accusation." Said Ibrahim.

"Ibrahim, I apologize if I offended you, but please consider things from my perspective as well. I know you're a busy man, which I don't mind because I don't expect you to take care of me, but how do you think I'll survive if I don't do anything at all? I need to do something. I’m not a bird that you can cage in that big house of yours.” Anna said calmly. She knew arguing wouldn't solve anything. Instead, it will aggravate the situation.

For a while, Ibrahim remained silent. She might be right. Is he way too self-centered?

"What kind of job are you looking for?" he inquired.

"I applied to be an art teacher for young learners." She replied carefully.

Ibrahim gently shook his head. "If you're looking for something to do just to pass the time, come to my office."

That is something Anna doesn’t want. She, too, shook her head. "No, that wouldn't be right. If that happens, you will have complete control over me. I've loved art since I was a child, and now it is my passion. Furthermore, I adore children. This is the ideal position for me. I couldn’t ask for more."

He gives up. He tried to put himself in her shoes. She must be lonely because she used to live with her family. Surviving alone in that big house is difficult.

“How long is the working hour?” he asked again.

“For a full-time instructor, eight hours.”

Ibrahim shook his head again. “Make it shorter, five should be enough.”

Anna’s eyes widened. It's not like she can change the schedule whenever she wants. “Do you think that art school is mine?”

Ibrahim glanced at Anna. "Which art school? Do you want me to buy it for you so that you can cut short your working period?" He sounded solemn.

Anna sighed as she observed the hopelessness of the man beside her. "We agreed not to meddle in each other's personal matters. As I previously stated, I am not requesting your permission. I'm simply informing you."

"You are my wife, and looking for a job is not a personal matter. It is a sensitive subject for me, and it should require my permission. I'll agree only if you work part-time." He said calmly not knowing that his words pinched Anna’s pride.

"What is there to consider about a full-time or part-time job? You want me to die of boredom? Do you think it’s really pleasant to live in other people’s houses when the owner of the house is rarely home? Do you think I'm happy when I look like a lonely bride waiting for her husband to return while he doesn't even look at her in the eyes?" She loses her temper. He always wanted to control her, which she didn’t like a bit. This is unfair.

Ibrahim felt a pang of culpability after she vented her anger. He should be pleased to see her suffering, but why is he not happy? He felt guilty for hurting her.

"Do whatever you want." Ibrahim responded quickly. He despises the fact that he couldn't even beat himself. He wanted to exert even more control over her, but why couldn't his heart and mind work together now? His heart ached for her, but his mind wanted her to suffer even more. Why couldn't they just do what he wanted?

Anna chooses to remain silent. She needed to gain back the energy she bungled for arguing. The awkward atmosphere lingered right away. Finally, they reach the venue.

"It will be extremely crowded, and you may not know anyone there. So, you'll have to stick close to me.” Ibrahim said out of the blue and Anna only responded with a light nod.

Ibrahim pulled out his phone and dialed a number, after a few rings, the person on the other end answered. "Have you gone through the entire building? Is there anything suspicious? Make sure it's secure, and keep our people close to the ballroom." Ibrahim inquired.

Anna was puzzled, as it was only an event, why did he need to tighten the security? "How can a charity event be so dangerous that you need your people to protect you?" she questioned flatly.

Ibrahim decides to ignore her because he does not want to explain himself to her. Even if he tries, she will not understand. "Let's head down." He commanded and Anna followed.

Ibrahim did not lie about the crowd, as she could see many people here. She has never attended an event where the people were all wealthy. She could see how luxurious the decorations in the ballroom are, as well as how exaggerated they appeared. It was only now she realized why Ibrahim hired those stylists. If she insists on doing her own make-up, she will be ridiculed here. When she sees them greeting her and Ibrahim, she becomes more nervous. Her husband is a wealthy man. It's no surprise that they're treated as if they're very important. They are also a newlywed couple so all the attention was on them. Her finger tightened around Ibrahim's arm, as if she was afraid of losing him in the midst of the crowd.

Ibrahim was amused to see Anna acting like a shy cat now. He could tell she was nervous as her grip on his arm never let go, he didn't mind it. He cannot deny that Anna looked stunning tonight, she was beautiful, elegant, flawless, and mesmerizing. He’s not sure why he is feeling something burning inside his heart, when he sees some guys throwing flirty glances at her.

"Uncle Arthur." She mumbled when she saw an elderly man in his sixties. Ibrahim was taken aback when he heard the name that came out of her mouth. He tailed her gaze and saw that she was looking at Arthur Jones. Did she know who he was? This scenario had never occurred to him before.

"Are you familiar with Arthur Jones?" Ibrahim asked curiously. Anna gave a nod.

"How well do you know him?" he inquired once more.

"I'm not certain. I've only seen him a few times because he's my father's friend.” He felt better after hearing Anna's response. Sighing in relief that they don't know each other well.

Arthur Jones spotted the face of a man whose features were so familiar to him. It was also the man he wished to destroy the most. He noticed a lovely lady beside him, her hand tightly clasped around his arm. That makes him even more despised.

"It's been a long time." Arthur greeted in an unfriendly tone. Ibrahim grinned. This old man really needs to learn basic manners, he thought to himself.

"Uncle," Anna said slowly as she was not sure if Arthur Jones remembers her or not. Arthur looked at Anna as he examined her face. She appeared to be familiar. Where did they meet?

"Are you Paul Rae's daughter?" Arthur inquired.

Anna gave him a polite smile. "Yes. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"And this guy?" Arthur Jones asked Anna, shifting his gaze back to Ibrahim.

Ibrahim rolled his eyes in annoyance. His marriage news is all over the media. He behaves like he doesn't know him. This man is really trying to get on his nerves. "She is my wife." He replied confidently. 

Arthur Jones laughed a little. This is extremely ironic for him. “Congratulations on your marriage, and I hope you both enjoy the event.” He gave both Ibrahim and Anna a friendly smile. Ibrahim felt disgusted with his evil laugh.

"Anna. I've gathered a number of antiques that will be auctioned off. I have a total of ten, and having the same person guide the entire session will be too boring. Would you mind assisting me in directing the auction? "Arthur inquired, but this time he sounded friendlier than before.

Ibrahim cut them off before Anna could respond. “No, my wife is not working as your host.” He replied coldly.

Anna glared at Ibrahim for his impolite response. "It's all right, uncle. I believe I can assist with one or two items." With a small smile, she responded.

Ibrahim is really pissed off now. What is this girl attempting to accomplish? Didn't she know Arthur Jones isn't someone to mess with? It's strange that Arthur approached her unexpectedly to ask for her assistance as a host, and how could she agree right away? If there aren't many people around them, he'll definitely start shouting at her.

"Thank you for your thoughtfulness, Anna. I'll be waiting for you on stage. "Arthur said before leaving them both alone.

Ibrahim dragged her into a dark corner where no one could see them. He was desperate to vent his rage right now. "What do you think you're doing?" He is enraged, but due to the people around him, he manages to keep his tone under control.

Anna is not at ease either. She didn't believe she had done anything wrong for him to act in this manner. "I'm just going to assist. There is nothing wrong about it."

Ibrahim's eyes are bloodshot red, and his fists are tightening. "Do you know why I told my people to scan the entire building for security before entering?"

Because of Ibrahim's rage, Anna's body trembled slightly. She had no idea he could be so much like a beast when he's angry.

"Because you're just making stuff?" She responded calmly, which aggravated Ibrahim's rage even more. As if she put salt on his wound.

Ibrahim exhaled sharply and looked at her with piercing eyes. “Because Arthur Jones is here! Don’t you know how dangerous that man is?”

“He’s my father’s friend. He would not harm me!” She responded confidently and pushed him aside. She doesn't want to continue fighting because it will draw more attention to them.

Ibrahim sighed in frustration. Could she understand that what he is trying to do is just to protect her? He doesn't want anything to happen to her for God's sake.

“I'd like to invite Ms. Anna Rae to the stage for the next session. Please give her a round of applause.”

Anna made her way to the stage after hearing the host call her name. She just stood there, doing her best to assist the host in directing the auction for an antique vase.

On the other hand, Ibrahim couldn't keep his cool while looking at his wife, who was up on stage. He has ordered his people to surround the area just in case something happens.  

“This antique vase was sold to Ms. Isabelle for 150 million dollars. All the proceeds from the auction will be donated to homeless people and children.”

A loud cheering resonated through the whole ballroom. Anna beamed in ecstasy as she obliquely participated in the event. However, it took only one second for the cheerful, laughter-filled atmosphere to devolve into havoc. A loud gunshot rolls throughout the ballroom. People were screaming and running out of the ballroom.

“Damn it! Anna!” Ibrahim yelped out loud.

He could sense something strange about this event, and Arthur Jones has asked her to direct the auction. Despite the fact that he has ordered his people to protect him, his wife is still standing there all by herself, lost what to do. Ibrahim tried his best to reach Anna as quickly as possible, but it was difficult for him to move, many people were running towards the exit. His body kept colliding with others, driving him even more insane. If anything happens to her, he will never forgive himself.

Anna crumpled on her knees when she heard another gunshot. The room became more lurid and the chaos became so intense that she could hear people screaming and crying.

Anna shrieked and covered her ears with both palms as she heard the gunshot for the third time. Tears streaming down her cheeks, she does not want to die right now. She still has a lot of things she needs to get done. She couldn't die right now.

Anna whimpered, helplessly. Where is Ibrahim? She needed him.

Anna felt an arm embrace her, shielding her from the bullet as she heard another loud gunshot. She was afraid to open her eyes. However, when she heard the voice, she immediately recognized the owner of the body. It's all too familiar to her.

"Ouch," a loud groan forced Anna to open her eyes. She was shocked and perplexed when she saw the person who had just saved her life.

"Kai?" When she saw his arm was bleeding, her eyes widened and she covered her mouth.

"Are you alright?" Kai asked, his voice weak, as the pain from the shot was killing him.

Anna wasn't able to think at that time. Is it safe to assume that if Kai isn't there to protect her, she'll be shot? Does this imply that the bullets were aiming at her? She couldn't think any longer, and before she knew it, everything had gone dark. She zonked out.

"Anna!!!" Ibrahim shouted once he finally reached the spot where Anna was, after bumping into dozens of people. Anna was already unconscious when he arrived. He cursed himself numerous times in his heart for being late. He feels like firing his men for failing to protect them. When he saw Kai's bleeding arm, his eyes widened. Although he was grateful, a pang of disappointment hit him hard when he realized Kai had taken the bullet for her. Kai was the one who came to her rescue.

"Are you just going to stand there or are you going to do something? Take her out." Kai stood up and yelled angrily at Ibrahim, who was just standing there looking at them, hobbling.

Ibrahim immediately carried her and ran towards the exit, while Kai followed. Ibrahim dashed towards the driver seat as fast as he could after putting Anna in the passenger seat when a punch landed on his face.

"You cretin!" Kai landed another punch on his face. He was furious. He doesn't care if his arm was hurting or bleeding, all he wants is to open Ibrahim's eyes.

He grabbed Ibrahim's collar and shoved him against the car. "Is it so difficult for you to protect her? You have all the money and power in the world, but still, you can't protect her. What kind of husband do you believe you are? Do you intend to do all of this?" He shouted at Ibrahim.

Ibrahim had to use all of his strength to pry Kai's hand free from his collar. He'd cursed himself numerous times in his heart for being late. He should be the one who has saved Anna, not him.  

"Are you going to argue with me now? Let me tell you something, I may not love her, but I swear in front of God that I will protect her with my life. You'd better watch what you say." Before rushing into his car, Ibrahim said coldly to Kai.

Ibrahim opened the window before driving away. "Your arm is hurt, you'll need to go to the hospital too. You'd better hurry up and get in before I change my mind." He didn't look at Kai when he said this. His voice is flat, and his face is emotionless, but he still wants to help Kai.

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