
Chapter 5: Her

Aiden's perspective:

I walked towards her and stood in front of her while she was still crying and she held her head in her hands. She must have gone through so much that she couldn't hold her tears anymore and started crying as soon as she confirmed she was alone. She was surely a strong girl.

I wanted her to stop crying because i don't know why, but I felt hurt too.

"Do you want some?" I offered her my cigarettes nervously without knowing how to comfort someone. That might be the foolish move I made in my life.

She might be shocked by knowing that she wasn't alone.She finally looked up at me with her big hazel eyes which turned red because of her crying too much. She was the most beautiful creature I've ever observed. She wiped her tears like a kid.

"Is this your way of comforting someone or mocking someone?" She asked.

For the first time, I wanted to explain myself to someone.

"N-no, I don't know how to comfort someone. But this is how I comfort myself at least" I hesitated.

She stared at me for few seconds then took the cigarettes from my hand and started getting up slowly. I felt that she is going to smoke but then she walked towards where I was standing before and threw the cigarette out of the terrace. I was shocked but can't help but smile at this little act she performed.

"I also don't know how to comfort someone but I'm sure that this is not how you do it." She said confidently.

"Interesting". I said that to myself and started walking towards her.

We stood silently on the edge of the terrace for few minutes. I was giving her some time to clear her mind first.

"I'm Layla" she finally said.

One thing I realized was that I can't help but stare at her calmly.

"Aiden," I said coldly.

"Mr. Aiden I must tell you that you can comfort someone just by standing quietly and patiently next to them so that they can know that they're not alone"

"I'm not the patient one," I said.

"But you just did stand here patiently,"  she said with a little smile on her face.

She was right. It was something new that I stayed patient just to hear someone else story.

"Why were you crying?" I asked without hesitating.

"Woah, looks like you were waiting to ask me this question for a long time"

"I guess I was. But you didn't answer my question" 

I became impatient now.She looked at me for few seconds then started looking at the sky.

"My brother got into an accident at his high school. He got 8 stitches on his head" 

She looked like she was about to cry any second but she was being strong.

"Oh! What's his age?"

"He just turned 12. We were going to celebrate it tomorrow but I guess we won't be able to" she replied sadly.

"It's ok you can celebrate many other birthdays together but his health is important. Also you don't need occasions to celebrate, you can celebrate it whenever you want and whenever he is at his best. And for that make sure to give him the best treatment"

She smiled gently.

"And you say you aren't good at consoling people"

She finally smiled and I loved her small smiles.

"Well I guess I'm not bad for a first-timer" I smiled too.

"So, what are you doing here?" She asked.

"Just here to visit someone who is admitted here," I said.

"And who are they? Your family member or friend?"

Just as much I hated to answer this question, her big innocent eyes were all I could focus on and for a moment I wanted to tell her everything she is asking.

"My dad but he can not be described as a family member" I answered her while looking at the sky. I could feel her staring at me.

"You hate him that much?" She wasn't sure if she was asking a question or stating a fact.

"Yeah much more than you think. I came back from another country with almost the intention of killing him."

I was nervous about what is she gonna think of me now. Is she thinking that I'm dangerous for her? I just wanted to let her know that I wouldn't harm her in any way.

"Then I guess you might be depressed because you need a change in your plan," she said confidently.

The way she was so confident while saying this and the way she didn't look shocked at all, at least shocked me.

"You know you sound like a serial killer right? I just confessed that I want to kill someone and you are so chill about it" I asked her.

"Well, I think you are not the type of person to say anything without a reason. Also, I think we are the same. I want to kill someone too but I envy you. I don't have the confidence to kill them because I don't know who I want to kill" she looked at me smiling.

"Well, at least you don't know who you want to kill. Look at me, I know who I want to kill but I can't because he is already in the hospital and I want to kill him myself" I stated coldly.

"Well, then why don't you go and stab him while he is lying on this hospital bed. It's almost like you killed him ignoring the fact that he didn't know"

"Well that's a good idea why I didn't think of it," I said sarcastically.

She smiled and said.

"Well you didn't have a murder planner who has great experience in  planning to murder someone since the last 10 years of her life" 

"Sure but what about me who was planning it for 11 years? You know what? Let's just go and kill those people who made our lives miserable without wasting any more seconds"

"Why not! Let's go kill 'em sarge!" She sounded energetic.

We both looked at each other and soon burst into laughter because of this whole crazy talk. One thing I was sure about was that this girl is entirely different. 

She finally tried to control her laugh and tried to speak.

"You know that if someone heard us, they are gonna think we are a psychopath. We are talking like professional murderers" she was smiling again.

"Did someone ever told you that you have a lovely smile" This was the complete opposite of what I was about to say? This was so unexpected of me. I completely changed the topic because I couldn't help and say what just came to my mind.

She looked stunned just like me at my sudden confession. 

"Thanks...these smiles are only because of some specific people" she justified while still smiling.

"I guess someone unknown who is planning to murder someone can be counted as those specific people" I said sarcastically.

"Theoretically, If you wanna kill someone means that they must have made you broken, and if you are broken so you must know the pain you suffer every day knowing that the person who made your life miserable is free and living comfortable lives. This means that you can be added to the specific people list as we share the same pain"

She said while looking at the sky. It felt like she was telling her story.

" Is this how you feel? suffering every day?" I asked.

"Yeah, I guess much more than that" she said heartbrokenly.

We stood together in silence for a moment. She was still staring at the sky and I was staring at her. We both are broken and we both seek Justice in our way. Life is very cruel sometimes. It can take your angel personality away and give you the evil personality in a moment. 

"You are right, It is very difficult to live with the continuous pain"

There was a moment of silence once again. We both were looking at the sky being completely broken. 

"Ok let's not get sad anymore. We both already have enough time to get sad about everything" she tried to cheer me up.

I tried to search some topic on which we could chat and one thing clicked  my mind when I saw her. She  has the type of personality with big dreams and she can do anything to achieve those dreams. Well that's what I thought.

"Ok if you say so. So Layla, what is your dream"  I asked.

"I just said let's not talk sad and here we are once again" 

"Is your dream sad? How can anyone dream be sad? They are supposed to make you happy" I was confused.

"Well dreams can be sad if you aren't able to follow them," she said while giving a half-smile.

She was very mysterious. I wanted to know more about her and that's why for the first time, I was interested in someone's else life. I wanted to tell her that dreams can be followed. 

I wanted to help her in fulfilling her dreams.


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