

The day couldn’t pass quickly enough, and finally, my last meeting was over. I waited impatiently for the car, almost pushing Aiden out of the way in my haste to open the door and clamor inside.

He slid in, shutting the door. “Anxious, Bent?”

I loosened my tie. “Just want to get home. Long day.”

He leaned back with a grin. “Expecting an equally long night?”

I lurched, punching his arm, dislodging the files sitting beside him. “Watch it.”

He chuckled, and I bent to grab the papers that had fluttered to the floor. As I gathered them, a square, manila envelope, which looked oddly familiar, fell to the carpet.

“What is that?” I asked.

Aiden held out his hand, stopping me from touching it. He slipped a hand into his pocket, producing a latex glove.

I cocked an eyebrow. “Planning on a murder spree on the way home, Aiden? Do you seriously carry one of those around with you?”

He shot me a serious look. “You never know.”

He picked up the envelope and studied it. It was the same type as the oth
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