
Chapter Twenty: Another Threat

"What are you doing here?!" Xavier bit out as his body shook with rage. Antonio was the last person he had expected to be here, in a werewolf's pack, sitting behind a werewolf's desk. He growled dangerously low at the smug look on Antonio's face and desired nothing less than to claw out every inch of his vile smirk, but he couldn't just attack him…yet.

"A hello would be nice, Xavier friend," Antonio replied in his usual voice that felt like silk against the skin. The same voice that he used to trap women and even men in his bed. He casually played with a fountain pen between his fingers and watched the angry man before him. "Well?"

"I'm not playing, Antonio."

"Neither am I, Xavier friend," Antonio replied calmly while he twirled the pen and smiled suggestively at Xavier, who didn't share his reactions. "What are you doing here?" Xavier asked again, anger laced in every word as he slowly approached the desk.

"Very rude, but since you insist, I'll tell you. I heard you'd be visiting thi
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