
Chapter CXIV

“Your majesty, are you all right?” It was lord Galford Drake who approach him.

The old man could not help but show his worry. Having seen the broken armor and tattered clothes of their emperor after emerging from that magical fortress.

“I am fine, uncle,” he waves him off. His eyes still focus on his lady that was unconscious in his arms.

Kaya finally fainted after letting out her final attack. Luckily he had his Draken sword which he used to nullify and absorb the woman’s last attack.

“You are wounded, sire!” Lord Drake gasped upon seeing the gashes and still dripping blood from his shoulders and arms.

“It is nothing to be concerned about,” Alexander shrugs him off, not wanting him to worry about such a thing.

“But your majesty,” The man once again tried to plead.


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