

Determined to unravel the plot and protect the royal family, Giovanna dedicated herself to investigating Lyandra's intentions. With the help of Nicholas, she discovered clues that led to a secret group of conspirators with hidden interests.

Giovanna: Nicolau, we need to act quickly. I discovered a conspiracy to harm the royal family and I fear they are planning an attack.

Nicolau: Giovanna, we are in this together. Let's gather all the evidence we found and bring it to the attention of Prince Alexander. We need to protect everyone and unmask these traitors.

With determination and courage, Giovanna and Nicolau presented their discoveries to Prince Alexander, revealing the plot that was unfolding behind the scenes of the palace.

Prince Alexander: Giovanna, Nicolau, I am shocked by this revelation. We cannot allow these malicious intentions to come true. We will take immediate measures to ensure the safety of our family and our kingdom.

Together, they planned a strategy to dismantle the
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