


“Sera!” I called again, trying to stop her from pulling me, but she didn't. She pulled harder, and it seemed like the mirror began to suck me in.

I screamed, but no sound came out of me. It was a silent scream. Being pulled through the mirror felt like what being pulled through jelly would feel like.

I felt fear rub through my body as I fell onto the floor. The breeze ruffled my hair, wrapping it around my face. The breeze was chilly, and made goosebumps line my skin immediately.

I looked up and saw Sera looking down at me. She was so real. She could touch me. If she wanted to kill me, she could.

I gasped, and scrambled away from her, but she didn't move.

“Please… please don't do this to me. Please take me back. I'm begging you, Sera. I'm begging you. Please, I read your letter for you, didn't I? I found the letter you'd have never found without me.” I pleaded, rubbing my palms together. Sera didn't say a word. She simply stared at me blankly.

The breeze blew my hair
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