

Cassie’s POV

“I hate that I had to be mated to a weak wolf like yourself” he shot at me.

And all I could do was to stare at him as he yelled at me.

The moment he had everyone fully focused on us, he turned to face me.

I could tell from the look in his eyes that he was going to do something stupid here in embarrassment.

“I, Alder Lewiston, the future Alpha of the Sky Prowlers Pack, hereby reject you Cassandra Bellevue as my mate!”

I paused the moment he voiced out to me.

I couldn't hold the tear that ran down my cheeks.

“I refuse to be paired with such a weakling like yourself”

“you should have known that I'll never accept you”

“Are you even a werewolf or a human?”

“You disgust me. Get out of my sight!”

I sat there, feeling overly rejected as my very own mate uttered such heartbreaking words to me.

My parents were mere omegas, but I was the weakest wolf in the whole pack.

And neither was it any of my faults to be born a weak wolf.

I stood there staring into his eyes as he looked straight into my eyes.

“But why…” I asked.

“What have I done exactly?” I said. 

I looked around to find everyone just staring and not a single soul bulge or bother to even help.

“Do you think I would want to settle for less?” he asked looking so pissed.

I never wanted any of this either…

The attention I got from the others didn't faze me at all.

What I suddenly cared about at that instant, was getting him to accept me.

“Training dismissed” he yelled at the other who stood for seconds watching us.

An awards silence occupied the training ground as everyone walked out.

“B-but I'm your mate and this isn't what happens when a wolf gets mated,” I said in tears.

“I…I” I stuttered.

“Stop! Please stop!” he yelled.

“You are weak Cassandra Bellevue” he yelled at me.

The minute I thought of it being hopeless getting to convince him into accepting me, I had my face lowered to the ground.

My fingers felt numb from the cold shivers that ran through my veins at that point.

I had never in my life felt such a way before, but now here I was right in front of him begging to be accepted.

“So bold of you to think that I would want to accept you as a mate.

I shivered as he continued hurling insults at me.

Hearing him call me names, felt like the end of the world.

I wanted it all to stop.

“You disgust me!!” he yelled pushing me off as I had my head to the concrete floor.

Everything felt so annoying and yet torturous.

I winced in pain as I tried pulling myself up.

I held on to my head, feeling dizzy and was in pain from the bang.

I had my hand to my mouth the moment I felt tears coming on.

I was hurt so badly.

“You can cry all you want, but I will never accept you as a mate!!” he yelled so angrily.

I had my hands to my face as I wiped off my tears.

I didn’t know which was worse, the fact I had hurt my head against the concrete floor or the rejection.

He walked over to the training ring and he carried on with his speech.

The moon goddess knows exactly the kind of mate best suitable for an alpha like me.

one who is supposed to be overly compelling, both in looks and strength.

And knows every detail of how to be Luna.

Not just some random weak wolf.

That is so unacceptable.

I wanted so badly for him to stop from his insults and bad rants at me.

I felt my body weakened, and my limbs turning flaccid watching him utter such words to me.

“I still don’t understand why it is we have weak wolves like you here in our pack,” he said.

I’ve had enough of all of this…I thought to myself.

“You are such a weakling,” he said as he hissed at me.

“Look at you, you haven’t even shifted into your wolf yet,” he said.

I looked down at myself realizing all that he had been ranting about for close to what seemed like an hour.

A good-for-nothing wolf… I thought to myself.

I choose to ignore his rants and complain about me being weak.

I was tired of him defining me.

With so much hurt and anger in me, I got up to my feet and I wiped off my tears.

I was going to fix this.

With or without the help of anyone by my side.

I walked up to the door, as I gave the last glance at him.

I had the door opened, and I ran off out of the mansion and into the woods without caring whether or not he was going to finally accept me.

I felt so bad.

And needed to cool off.

I walked my way through the woods, without any fear of being attacked by the rogues of our town.

I had slowly given up on everything surrounding me.

Life, the pack, and most especially getting mated.

As I walked through the woods with my arm wrapped around my chest, I thought of what to do next.

Leave the pack?

“For good” I muttered to myself.

I walked and walked like I had a destination I was headed to.

And then I had gotten to the edge of a cliff, surprisingly a waterfall.

I stood there for seconds with the thoughts of Alder in my head.

I stared down at the running water, as it suddenly felt peaceful.

I took my time keeping myself in one piece, the nervousness and fear that settled in my heart did not ease the feeling of rejection I had gotten from the man I called my mate.

“Do I end this now?”… I asked myself.

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