
Chapter 63

Tiffany’s lips turned down into a frown. “Please don’t say such a cruel thing about my sister. She does have fans too. Look over there; they’re her fans.”

She pointed in the opposite direction, and her fans looked over to see ten or-so fans still standing there after most of them left. Since Tiffany had over a thousand fans here cheering, it made Charmine’s side seem almost sorry. Moreover, since Charmine was new to the modeling industry, the fans did not know what to say, thus many of them left due to awkwardness.

Tiffany’s fans burst out laughing.

“Hahaha! Are ten people considered ‘fans’? This is so shameful!”

“Didn’t she have eight million followers on Twitter? Maybe she bought them with money!”

“Haha! That must be! She’s the Diamond Boss, so surely she’s got the money to buy fake followers!”

“So what if she’s rich? She can’t do anything great anyway!”

They eyed Charmine in disdain and mockery, almost as though looking at a clown.

Charmine was just about to speak
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