
Chapter 53 - Birthday girl

Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday to you, 

Happy birthday Joana, 

Happy birthday to you. 

Joana smiled in her sleep while hearing the birthday song being sang for her, she thought it would be Andrew, Sandra or grandma Jen who had come to sing her a birthday song, but she opened her eyes and saw Dana, Derick, Edmund and Hillary standing at the foot of her bed, each holding a present. It was early in the morning, two days after she and Derick had returned from the enchanted forest. After months of searching, she had all the ingredients complete, the last of which was flowing through her veins. Some part of her felt reluctant to go to the supreme council to offer the sacrifice right away. She decided to go on a three-day break and do nothing but rest. After all, she deserved a big break after all the trouble she had been through the past few months. It had been so hard to keep track of time and dates in her new life in the castle, she never even

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