
Chapter 64 - Marylin's journey

Marylin’s POV…

Father Jacob helped me bury the dead worker’s body and helped me leave town. He would have followed me, but he had to ensure that things were ok back at home and that no one ever found out how that poor worker died. So, I was all on my own. 

I journeyed into the wilderness for days, the canopies from the trees formed a shade that protected me from the blazing sun, as father Jacob had told me that I could never see the sunlight again. At first, I was scared, being all alone in those dark woods and with the wild animals that lived there. It was not until I realized that I could feed on animals, a very useful piece of information father Jacob ought to have given me before he left, that I found it easier to adjust to this strange new life of mine. A wolf that wanted to attack me on one of such nights I was resting, I was sitting by the small fire I had created and singing one of the hopeful songs Gerome used to sing to me, how I missed
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