
Chapter 3.1

“Well, don’t you look nice!” Veronica squealed, fluttering around Nyla. The pair stood before the new smart mirror hanging over Nyla’s closet door, inspecting her appearance.

After dinner the night before, Veronica had brought bag after bag of clothing into Nyla’s room. As she unpacked each item, she explained why she had picked it out for Nyla. Most of the reasons had to do with Nyla’s blonde hair, which was so different than Veronica’s curtain of ebony.

She had arrived at Nyla’s door at six that morning insisting that Nyla needed help getting ready. When called upon to pick her outfit for the day, Nyla settled on a plain long sleeve top in a color Veronica called ‘sea-green’ and a pair of jeans. It would hide the lingering burns on her arm from the night before. “So simple, yet they look so stylish on you because of your tall frame! I’m so happy they fit!” Veronica admired loudly. “I had to guess your size. You’re taller than both Mason and me. You’re much closer to Eason’s height, but he’s still an inch or two taller I think.”

Veronica reaching into the last bag and pulled out a small box. “Here, Nyla. I thought it might be easier if you wore these. In the winter months, no one will give a second thought about you wearing gloves inside.” She extricated a pair of gloves from the box and handed them to Nyla. They matched her skin tone perfectly and were as thin as paper between her knobbled fingers. She tugged them on over her broken hands, covering the angry red scars. Once on and tucked up into her sleeves, it looked like Nyla’s hands were whole once more.

“They have a cloaking chip in them,” Veronica admitted. “It makes your fingers appear straight. I figured, well, high school can be so hard on normal days. It just made sense.”

“They work very well,” Nyla said, admiring the illusion.

“Oh, look at the time!” Veronica exclaimed while glancing at the clock flashing in the corner of the mirror. “You all need to get going! Can’t have you be late! Hurry now!” She herded Nyla down the stairs and frantically called for her other children. Eason and Mason met them at the front door where Veronica shoved a new backpack into Nyla’s hands. The three of them piled into the awaiting hovercar.

“Do we always get driven to school?” Nyla asked no one in particular. Being unused to the rocking motion of the vehicle, it made her nauseous.

“When Mom lets me, I ride my hoverboard. But she doesn’t like it. Says it’s too dangerous,” Eason told her, leaning back in his seat with his eyes closed. Nyla had never ridden on a hoverboard before, they were only for civilians, but their sleek form had always interested her.

            “Do you have any questions about Alet Academy? You didn’t say anything last night,” Eason asked without opening his eyes. Mason snorted but didn’t look up from her phone.

            No questions came to Nyla’s mind. I don’t even know where to start – I’ve never even been in a classroom before. “I don’t think I have any questions,” she answered instead.

            Eason must have sensed her hesitancy because he opened his eyes and squinted at her. “Then I’ll just go over the basics. Alet Academy is an elite private school for politicians’ children. Everyone there is the son or daughter of an essential figure in our government. We are a comprehensive school, meaning that we have ages five through seventeen. Unlike other schools, Alet Academy isn’t divided up into grades. You progress at your own speed, however fast or slow that is, and finish the day you turn eighteen.”

            “You don’t belong there,” Mason sneered. “And everyone will be able to tell by looking at your freaky face.”

            The car stopped before Nyla could think of a reply, and all three children got out onto a long paved drive. It led up to a two-story building built in the same grand style as the Braun’s mansion. Other students surrounded them, all of whom seemed to have drivers assisting them. Mason stalked off, calling to a friend across the grounds.

            “Come on, Nyla,” Eason said, gesturing her forward. “We have to check you in at the office.” He started off. He waved as several people called greetings to him.

            Nyla followed with her head cast down. Menhits weren’t supposed to bring attention to themselves. Mason was right; her face could give her away, and Edmond didn’t want that. Despite her posture, Nyla still tracked the movements of all those near her. She didn’t need supersonic speed or minute hearing, but she suddenly wished that her senses weren’t muted. It would have made it a lot easier.

            Eason followed Nyla inside of the office after holding the door open for her. “You must be Miss Nyla!” the smiling office woman called out while waving her over to the front desk.

            “Yes, ma’am.”

            “Here, fill these out for me,” she said, shoving a stack of forms into Nyla’s hands. She grabbed a pen and started writing. Eason stood next to her with a blank expression. After several moments his eyes glazed over. He was much closer to Nyla than anyone else in the family had ever been, with the exception of Veronica who couldn’t seem to stop touching her. Unlike his mother, Eason’s closeness didn’t make Nyla want to shy away. Instead, it gave her the same sensation as when backup arrived during a mission.

            “I need your last name,” the office worker said and handed the papers right back to Nyla.

            Nyla stared at the blank space perplexed. While leaning over to Eason, she whispered, “I don’t have a last name.”

            He jerked out of his trance and cocked his head. “Just put ours down. I don’t think my parents will mind. At least Mom won’t.”

            Nyla hastily scribbled ‘Braun’ down and handed the forms back.

            “You’re all set to go! I’ll let Mr. Eason show you to your classes. You have the same schedule. We’re so happy to have you here, Nyla.” The woman smiled toothily.

            “I’m sure they’re getting a big fat check for letting you in,” Eason whispered.

            Nyla followed him out into the hallway. He stopped in front of the third door on the left. “This is our first class: linear algebra. The teacher is very strict, so don’t talk during the lesson, even if you have a question. I can go over the material with you later if you need help.”

They had barely stepped through the door when a voice rang out. “Eason! You’ve brought a girl to class! Now, who could this be?” A hook-nosed girl slithered over, her pretty grin stuck halfway to her eyes.

“Nyla,” Eason answered before Nyla could. He stepped in front of her to stop the girl’s advance.

“What a lucky girl you are, Nyla, to get to spend so much time with Eason here,” she purred, and placed a hand on his arm that he swatted off. The girl was eyeing Eason like she wanted to devour him. Glancing over his shoulder to where Nyla stood, Sarah said, “As the new girl, you should know that Eason here is the golden boy of the school, what with his good grades and good looks. He’s constantly surrounded by his adoring fans. But no one has ever seen him with a girl before.” She inspected Nyla, her eyes calculating.

“My family is hosting her, Sarah,” Eason cut in. Nyla got the sense that Eason didn’t want her to say anything to Sarah, which was a good enough reason for her not to. The girl disturbed Nyla – she was cold but trying to mask it under empty smiles. Consistently cold, Nyla preferred Edmond.

“I didn’t know any hosting programs were going on! My! Nyla! How exciting, you’re staying with the Governor. I’m sure you’re honored by the privilege. Some of us would do anything to spend that much with Eason. He’s so secretive; everyone likes a mystery.” Changing directions, she asked, “How long have you been there? How long have you been kept a secret from everyone?”

“I got here yesterday,” Nyla murmured behind Eason’s back.

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