

The sky above the Ashfell Pack's subdivision hangs heavy with the promise of impending rain, casting a somber hue over the towering gates that mark the entrance to the domain of their wolves. I, with a pounding heart of anticipation and determination, approach the imposing structure, my steps faltering slightly as I near the two formidable figures standing guard.

Clad in fitted black shirts, military-style trousers, and boots that reverberate the weight of their authority, the Gammas exude an aura of silent menace. Their eyes, sharp and keen like those of predators, bear into me as if they can see straight through to the very core of my being, assessing me with a scrutiny that makes my skin prickle with unease. Summoning every ounce of courage I possess, I meet their gaze head-on, refusing to cower beneath the weight of their scrutiny. I square my shoulders, chin lifted defiantly as I speak.

"I'm here to see Yvanna Bautista. It's important."

The shorter of the two Gammas, his ex
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