
Failed Attempt

The battle raged on with a deafening cacophony of roars, screams, and blasts of fire and dark magic. The sky was shrouded in a thick veil of smoke and ash, and the ground trembled with the impact of every blow.

The dragons, led by the fierce Master had been fighting tooth and claw to defend themselves from the undead demons of the Netherworld. The demons, however, seemed to have an endless supply of minions, and they had been slowly overpowering the dragons.

Just when it seemed like all was lost, a voice boomed from the shadows of the Netherworld, startling both the dragons and the demons. The voice was deep and powerful, reverberating through the air like thunder.

"Hold on, dragons," the voice said. "Do not lose hope. For I am with you."

The dragons looked around, trying to locate the source of the voice. They knew that the Netherworld was a place of darkness and evil, and they had never expected to hear anything but the cackles of demons and the screams of the damned.There was trick
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