


The next day, I tried to push aside my health concerns and prepared myself for the office, but something felt off. Ignoring my well-being, I went ahead and entered the office. We began our meeting for the next editorial project, but my head started spinning. I felt a sudden wave of nausea washing over me, and I quickly made my way to the restroom. I emptied the contents of my stomach, feeling completely drained.

After cleaning myself up, I left the restroom door slightly ajar. Just then, a voice whispered in my ear, and a hand grabbed me, pulling me out of the office.

“You’re going to see a doctor,” Neeral asserted, her determination evident.

I tried to protest, insisting that I was fine, but she insisted on driving me there. We arrived at the doctor’s office, and after examining me, the doctor diagnosed me with food poisoning and emphasized the need for rest and home-cooked meals.

“Why are you eating food from outside? Don’t you cook at home? I thought you did,” Neeral asked,
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