


The morning was cold and foggy, just like my life had been these past few days. I used to love this weather when mom made hot cocoa for me, and we watched movies together. Now that she’s gone, this weather makes me feel alone. I was awake, looking at her picture close to my bed.

“Good morning, Mum.”

 I remembered she loved to kiss my forehead, and never forget to mention welcoming the new day with fresh energy, but today I didn’t want to get out of bed. Why would I? I have zero motivation, nor was I eager to start my day.

When I came here, I was ready to win the world, but in the last few days, everything changed. All I wanted was to hide where these people couldn’t torture me anymore. I just wanted this to be over. 

But what about the promises I made to my mother? I promised her to conquer every fear in my life.

I glanced at my tattoo: Love never fails.

She used to call me the love of her life. If she were here, she would never want me to hide. 

While I was wrapped in the turmoil of my thoughts, I heard a knock.

“Who is it?”

“Hey, babe, it’s Clara.”

With no delay, I rushed towards the door and opened it.

“Hey, are you okay?” she asked as she entered my room.

I hugged her, as I couldn’t control myself from the emotional ride. “I fear them. I fear Xander.”

She quietly listened because what else could she do? We freshmen had no power over seniors, and placing our expectations on the staff was a waste of time.

“I have an idea,” she said, placing her hand on my shoulder. 


“Just say sorry to him.”

“But why? This isn’t my fault.” 

“Listen, do you want to end this or not? I know it’s not your fault. Just say it. All they wanted was for you to feel sorry for what happened.” 

She tried hard to convince me, but was she right? All these people wanted to listen to one thing from me, and that was to admit they were right. So, I agreed with her suggestion.

“Let’s get ready. Today we have some important lectures to attend.” 

Clara fueled my spirit, so I was ready to face the day. I made myself ready with black stockings, black boots, and a royal blue full sleeves dress. She didn’t allow me time to tie my hair before we headed out of the room.

The chilly wind that hit my face once outside made me curl my toes and my nose became red as a cherry.

“It’s cold out here,” I said while hugging my bag.

“The weather isn’t too bad, and I’ll drive. My car's already warmed up.” 

Once on the school campus, I literally ran inside the building to get some relief from the cool winds.

We reached my locker, and there I saw Xander pasting some papers on the front. I kept my eyes down and walked towards it, not saying a word. He didn’t notice my presence and left the hallway before we approached.

Tears filled my eyes when I glanced at the poster of a girl wearing glasses covered with weird liquid. It was yesterday’s picture of me.

“C-Clara,” I stammered as I showed her.

She ripped the paper after she read some nasty comments about me pasted there. I couldn’t stop my tears from ripping the papers from my locker.

“I need to talk to him,” I whimpered, while slapping tears from my eyes.

“Not now. I think it’s better if you talk alone.” She signaled as Zareena and Victor smirked at me from down the hall.

I pulled my hair behind me, wanting to calm myself from this torture. Doing as best we could to avoid them, we took our stuff and walked towards our class.

Today, I have to talk to him. Otherwise, they will never stop.



After we finished our last lecture, all my classmates stood to leave except me.

I got a call from Raph. He is my elder brother and the responsible son. Raph took responsibility for the family after our father’s death. As mom used to handle international clients, he took care of local matters for our business. Although we have a mansion across the city, I never like to cage myself there with business meetings and clients. I have my own life that I want to enjoy.

I have my luxurious apartment near the college. I wanted Matt to room with me, but he never liked my lifestyle of girls and booze. He is not into any bad habits. Sometimes I wonder how he became my best friend. We are so dramatically different. He is a one-woman man, and I am the opposite.

“Hey, big brother. How are you?” I answered the phone.

“When will you come to meet with us?”

“Brother, I know why you are inviting me. I am not ready to join our family business. Let me finish graduating at least.”

“You’re wasting your time. Come and join us. We need you. I need you.” 

It was like listening to a broken record. He wants me to join the business, but I love my freedom more than anything. We argued a bit about the same old topics, where I wanted some more time to think, and he got angry as he always did.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door. I turned and saw it was her, Aoife.

“What are you doing here?” I said as I walked toward her before ending my call with my brother.

“Can I talk to you?” she mumbled, keeping her eyes down.

“What?” I answered while roaming my eyes over her.

Fuck, I saw her in the same dress in my dreams.

“Can I talk to you?” The repeated words that came out of her mouth froze me.

What? Seriously. I looked at her intensely, remembering the dream.

“Um-hum,” the answer came out unexpectedly.

She raised her blue eyes with those big lashes towards me. Our eyes met for a few seconds, and I could feel her taking me all in. She exhaled as she blinked with heavy lashes. Her cheeks turned beet red, and that little nose did the same.

“I am sorry. Whatever the reason is, I am here to say sorry. Please forgive me and let me live my life peacefully. I will follow all of your rules.” She started with a confident voice, but her voice wavered as she reached the end.

I listened but could not understand why she was apologizing to me. My face was blank as my mind played glimpses of the morning dreams. 

I noted the effect of cold weather on her as she continued to fidget her fingers to warm them. She erased her tears before they spilled out from her eyes, and I saw her tattoo again. It made me angry for a second, but why was I up in my emotions over her? 

Suddenly, she bent over toward me. Without my knowledge, a whimper left my lips as I jerked my head up. Am I dreaming, or is she about to give me that— 

“Are you okay?” she whispered while she stood in front of me.

My eyes were gawking at her with confusion. Why did she bend down?

She extended her hand and showed me the pen she had picked up from the floor. I exhaled a burst of air as all these things teased my core, thinking she was about to live out that dream in real life. I saw something else in my dreams, and all she did was extend me a pen.

She continued, but I was lost in my world of pleasure. I raised my hand to caress her cheeks, but before I could touch her, Zareena stormed into the room like a tornado.

“What the hell are you doing with my boyfriend?” she screeched.

Before I knew what was happening, she pushed Aoife to the floor. Within a few moments, everything changed. Zareena’s irritating voice dragging me from my La La Land.

“What are you doing?” I screamed at her.

I extended my hand towards Aoife, but she ignored it and stood alone.

Zareena wanted to fight with her, but once I grabbed her hand and glared at her, she stomped herself back out.

“I am sorry,” I said.

Aoife was crying with embarrassment, and I felt helpless looking at her.

“Please, I want peace. I didn’t come here to upset any of you. I came here to say sorry to you. Please leave me alone.” Her sobbed voice pierced my heart.

Why is she so innocent? Why was she saying sorry even though it’s not her fault? 

Suddenly, we heard the bell ring. She left the room with her desperate eyes, pleading for mercy from me.


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