
Where Are They?

TANNER*"Cora, baby, guess who we are going to go see here in a little while," Kaysen bent down at Cora's level and hugged her tightly."Who, mommy?" Cora squealed."Nana called, and she misses you very much. So we are going to go spend some time with her,""Yay! I can't wait to see her! Will she have knew toys for me?""I don't know, baby. We will need to wait and see. Be a good girl for mommy and fetch your shoes and socks for me, please,""Yes, mommy," Cora squealed and ran toward her room.Kaysen sat down on the sofa and waited for Cora to return, and I packed Cora's backpack with a change of clothes in the event that she should have an accident and would need to change. "Cora dear, let me help you. We can't have you showing up to your nana's with two different shoes and two different colored socks. Silly girl," I chuckled and searched for a matching pair of socks and another pair of shoes. "Here, these will do just fine. Take them to your mommy, and she will put them on for you," I said
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