
Chapter 98 An Eye-rolling Account…And Then A Barefaced Bluff

With everyone in the room as his audience, Ted put his fabulist’s skills to the test, beginning his account by straightening himself and feigning coughs. “Ahem!”

“The chairman of Violet Vision is a hunky man with a tall physique. He’s incredibly, positively handsome, with an air of manly dignity written on every single one of his facial features. His eyebrows are sharp, and his eyes! They draw you in—they mesmerize you. He looks even more handsome than any one of those male celebrities out there! If our chairman debuts in the entertainment industry, you bet he’s going to be the only thing that can unite the nation!”

Every word in his description only served to make her heart gallop. Just the thought of their two previous interactions brought out her bashful side, amplified by suspicious pink shades on her cheeks.

Who knew that the mysterious chairman would be so hot?

Ted caught onto the changes on her face and teased, “Now, now, Faye. Don’t tell me you have the hots for the chairma
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