
Chapter 62 - happiness


It was all black then I start to drifted back to wakefulness, gradually becoming aware of hushed voices and a warm hand clutching mine. With great effort, I pried my eyelids open, squinting against the bright hospital lights.

"Alex! Oh thank god!" Mom's tearful voice exclaimed. She leaned over me, face etched with joy and relief. My mind was hazy, but her familiar presence gave me strength.

"You're awake! We've all been so worried," Aunt Kate added, squeezing my shoulder gently. I gave a weak smile, moved by their loving concern.

All my senses sharpened, I noticed an absence of the excruciating pain that had consumed me before everything went dark. Somehow my injuries had completely healed. I felt disoriented but surprisingly strong.

The doctors seemed baffled by my rapid recovery. But Mom just smiled knowingly through her tears. "You're a fighter, my angel," she whispered, caressing my face. "I never lost faith."

Mom cradled my face in her hands, eyes glistening with joyful tea
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