
Chapter 71 - darkest rage


The early dawn light filtering into my Spartan quarters roused me from a restless sleep. I rose and began my morning routine, movements automatic from long habit. But my thoughts were consumed with heavier matters - it was time I revealed the truth to Lucas.

Splashing cold water on my face, I met my reflection's eyes in the mirror. There was no turning back now that I'd resolved to disclose all. Lucas's reaction worried me deeply, but surely even he could recognize finally learning his mate's whereabouts as cause for joy? I had to hope his long-buried humanity would surface.

Part of my reluctance stemmed from shame as well. Lucas would see my role in aiding Heather's escape as the ultimate betrayal. And he would not be entirely wrong - I had deceived my Alpha these long years, however noble my intent to protect an innocent woman. The woman I loved.

But Lucas's capacity for cruelty had outweighed duty in my mind back then. While he spiraled into madness, I chose compassion. "Th
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