

Ella's POV

When Becca's hand landed on my cheeks before I could react, my parents and Aviv stepped towards me. They stood in front of me, like a shield for protection. 

Seeing them protecting me Becca's expression changed instantly. And for the first time, I felt sorry for her.

Although she was harsh on me every time we met, I was feeling bad for taking her place. I tried to put myself in her shoes and thought about what I might have done if those things happened with me.

Probably, I would have done the same thing, which she did to me. Not only me I think everyone would to that.

Why wouldn't they? After all, who can tolerate seeing their parents being claimed by outsiders?

Suddenly, dad slapped Becca hard and retorted, "Don't you dare touch my daughter, again. I will surely cut your hands."

I stepped forward and stood beside Aviv.

Becca's eyes were filled with tears and in a weak voice, she murmured, "Dad..."

"Don't you dare

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