
don't trouble yourself

Ella's POV

When the car came to halt, I glanced around and was surprised to catch a glimpse of an Italian restaurant, where I have never been before. My curiosity was increasing, as Aviv had not revealed why we were there.

I was fade up asking him about the purpose of our visit, as he was not answering it. So this time I thought better not to ask anything and just follow him.

Whatever purpose or reason was behind our visit, it was soon going to reveal. So, I just needed to have some patience.

I followed him inside the restaurant and found out that the restaurant was a little crowded. I saw all the tables were reserved.

"Was we going to meet someone and he\she was already in one of these tables?" I thought deep inside.

But Aviv began to walk to the stairs. I followed him and he got to the second floor of the restaurant where there were several private cubicles.

He walked to the last cubicle and got inside. I too walked in with him, hoping that my curiosity was coming to an end but to my
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