
Chapter fourteen


Yet, as I observed her, an unexpected surge of protectiveness welled up inside me.

However, why? She could handle her battles.

I shook my head, attempting to remove the lingering sentiments. Ours was a marriage on paper, a deal sealed for appearances and family expectations.

Yet, as Anna confronted the harsh realities of her world, I found myself entangled in emotions I hadn't thought I would be capable of.

The air in the room grew heavier as I grappled with reconciling my logical detachment with this newfound concern for her wellbeing.

She was my wife term that carried more weight than I initially acknowledged. Was it the responsibility that came with the title, or was there something else, something beneath the surface, that bound me to her?

I couldn't pinpoint the source of this unexpected connection, but as she spoke about the challenges she faced, a subtle empathy emerged.

"I can't argue with the fact that it's a marriage of convenience," I shrugged, my tone carrying a hint
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