
40: Tenuous


“How long has she been like this?” Dr. Myers demands as soon as I materialize inside the specially outfitted hospital room with Darby, directing elemental air to lower her gently to the bed. A flurry of activity ensues as Dr. Myers waits for my answer, barking orders to the hospital staff inside the room.

Flattening myself against the wall to keep out of the way, I reply over the blips and bleeps of the monitoring equipment and the hushed, rushed dialog between staff trying to save Darby. “It took me an hour and a quarter to get here. That was within a few minutes of Ian finding her.”

“Her pulse is rapid and erratic, respiratory rate is high. BP is low. Temperature is 35°C.”

Dr. Myers checks Darby’s pupillary response, then steps back against the opposite wall as a nurse uses medial scissors to cut Darby’s jacket and shirt off, exposing four circular burns like the ones you get from the cigarette lighters in old cars. “There are more injuries here, Dr. Myers.”

I blanch, staring
Kristen Lee

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