
Chapter 56


3 years later

"So what the freaking freak you're trying to say?" I hissed as I'm trying to calm myself.

Hinilot ko ang aking sentido dahil biglang sumakit ito. This is freakingly stressing me out.

"We're going to lost billions if this freakingly will go down the drain! I freakingly told you to stay focus on this project?! Are you freakingly that dumb to let this things happened?! Didn't I told you to settle this right? The freaking freak!"

O freakingly geez!

I intently closed my eyes as I heaved a deep sigh while massaging the bridge of my pointed nose.

"I'm sorry Miss Dashelle. I'll fix this-"

"I'm sorry?! Are you nuts? Does your sorry will gonna fix these damn whole things? How and what the freaking freak you're going to do to fix this mess? What if Groupon Con will will freakingly release a statement before you could find their change?" I groaned in anger

Thinking about it is stressing me more. Like! O freakingly geez. This is a mess! Lots of investors already invest
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