

Seth POV.

Once there we were guided inside by beta Emmett, our bags left behind, we were guided to the basement, not the best place to start but the safest.

"Listen up, the alphas would be here soon, you'll be each taken to a private room, you'll strip and shift, the alphas are here to help you through it, it's gonna be painful, it's gonna take time, but remember we do this with pride," the beta gave us a pep talk before leaving the four of us standing there.

Looking at each other with sad smiles we are friends, it's hard not to be friends with the only people who are in the same age group as yours, would all four of us manage to get through this, if our wolf isn't strong enough we'd die, if we can't shift now nor do we show any signs of our wolves, we'd die soon. Our wolves need to come out or we'd die, it's a really nothing major or scary, don't take our trembling bodies as sign of fear, it's freezing down here.

"When we call your name come forward," alpha Aiden says going into the first room followed by alpha Rowan, they called the first name, Allin, the poor guy walked in like he's going toward his death.

An hour of waiting later, alpha Aiden came outside, he called the next name, River.

The waiting continued and I couldn't stand on my feet any longer, I sat down on the ground sharing looks with Kyler, we're next.

"Kyler, we're ready for you," alpha Aiden calls him leaving me alone, I was the last to go.

The fear had the best of me now, I felt close to vomiting, I wanted to cry and sob, maybe ask for Moira to come back in, she practically raised me, although she's a high ranking wolf she always made time to play with me growing up.

"Little boy I've been calling your name," a voice says as a hand touched my shoulder making me jump.

"So...sorry," I say shaking.

"You're Moira's kid?" Alpha Rowan asks me.

"I'm her brother," I answer him confused why would he think I'm her kid.

"Yeah, that... let's go," he says and I looked at him confused maybe it's just my fear that's making me trip.

The room we got into was clean, and empty just as cold as the outside, alpha Aiden was waiting there as well, they looked at me and I looked back at them, avoiding their eyes, you never look your alpha in the eyes.

"Strip," alpha Aiden says in a cold voice and I look up at him with a blush, I never stripped in front of strangers.

"I...I..." I start not sure what to do.

"Strip Seth or I'll come over and give you a hand," alpha Aiden warns me, not wanting him to actually help me stripping I started to take off my clothes leaving my boxers on.

"That too," alpha Rowan adds amused but I didn't want to take that off too.

"I know younger pups are shy about being naked, but we're your alphas, we'll see everything eventually, now strip," alpha Aiden says loosing his patience with me, I took the boxers off looking down at the floor avoiding their eyes at all cost now.

"Look at me," one of my alphas says and I shake my head no.

"Look at me," he says again holding my chin in his hand forcing our eyes to meet.

"I'm going to call to your wolf now, let him come in, then I'll try to connect to you, let me in pup, don't be afraid we'll protect you," alpha Rowan says his voice going as sweet as honey.

"Be a good pup for us, we got you," he says again and something inside me starts to shift, I thought the first time my wolf is called forward would be harsh and painful instead my wolf was lured out with sweet talk.

"Good job, now continue," the alpha says again, I felt myself stepping back letting my wolf take full control.

That's when the pain hit, my whole body was shook with pain, physical pain that can't be described I felt a million needle going all over my skin, my bones breaking and my eyes going blind, my heart was beating insanely fast it felt on the edge of exploding any second now.

"Let us in," the same voice says again and I knew all their sweet words and promises were lies, I didn't want to come out or connect to them. They forced their minds over mine, taking charge, going back through my memories through my thoughts, but not allowing me in on theirs they had access to me but I was denied access to theirs, I fell down on the ground feeling used, abused and in pain.

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