

For the past ten hours, I had ignored her cry for help but her heartbeat was faster now, it only means something bad is about to happen to her. I feel my wolf, he wants to help her, he is curious but I’m not. I’m going to sit on my bed in this dark room and block that voice.

I try to block out the voice in my head, to push aside the insistent plea for help. But it's no use. My wolf stirs within me, his instinct to protect and defend surging to the surface.

"Fine," I mutter, my voice echoing in the emptiness of the dark room. I don't know why I'm doing this, why I'm allowing myself to be drawn into the chaos of another's life. But something about this girl, this mysterious figure cloaked in darkness, compels me to act.

“Follow me” I command my Beta through telepathy.

“Always, my Alpha” he responds.

With a growl, I shift into my wolf form and bound out of the room, following the scent and the sound of her heartbeat. The forest rushes by in a blur as I race towards the unknown, towards a destiny that I can't yet comprehend.

As I and Stephen began our search in werewolf form, her scent kept leading me to the forest. This forest was far away, very far from the location of my pack. We were drifting into another serenity.

As Stephen and I raced through the dense underbrush, the unfamiliar forest loomed ahead of us, dark and foreboding. We were far from our pack now, in uncharted territory where anything could happen. But the scent of lavender and honey pulled me forward, a tantalizing thread leading me deeper into the unknown.

Stephen glanced at me, his eyes glowing in the darkness. "Are you sure about this, Alpha?" he asked, his voice deep and gruff in his wolf form.

I didn't hesitate. "We have to find her," I said, my voice firm with resolve. "We can't leave her out here alone."

"Who are we even looking for, Alpha?" Stephen asked me.

"I'm not entirely sure," I admitted, my voice tinged with uncertainty. "But I know we have to keep following this scent. It's leading us to someone who needs our help."

Stephen seemed to accept my answer, and we continued our search in silence. The forest around us was eerily quiet, the only sound the crunching of leaves beneath our paws and the pounding of our hearts.

As we crested a hill, the trees thinned out, revealing a clearing below us. In the center of the clearing was a small cottage, its windows dark and foreboding. The scent of lavender and honey was stronger here, almost overpowering in its intensity.

"Do you think she's in there?" Stephen asked, his voice barely a whisper.

I nodded, my hackles rising as I sensed danger lurking nearby. "Stay close," I said, my voice low and intense. "We don't know what we're dealing with here."

Stephen nodded, his loyalty unwavering. We pressed on, the scent growing stronger as we delved deeper into the forest. The trees seemed to close in around us, their branches reaching out like skeletal fingers, as if trying to snatch us from our path.

"Her heartbeat, I hear it faster now" I informed him.

"Follow me through this..." My speech was caught short by a very sharp pain in my chest.

"She's in pain." I stated.

It was the first time in five years since I felt someone else's emotions deeply. It was like I was her and I was feeling almost everything she felt.

The only person I felt this was my late mate Evara.

The connection I felt to this mysterious girl was unnerving, unlike anything I had experienced since Evara. The sharp pain in my chest mirrored hers, a physical manifestation of her agony. It was as if our hearts were beating in sync, two souls entwined in a web of pain and suffering.

I gritted my teeth, fighting against the pain that threatened to consume me. "We have to get to her," I said, my voice ragged with determination.

Stephen nodded, his eyes shining with concern. "Lead the way, Alpha."

We raced towards the cottage, our paws pounding against the earth as we drew closer. The scent of lavender and honey grew stronger, mingling with the coppery tang of blood. Lots of blood actually.

My heart raced as we burst through the door, prepared to face whatever lay within.

I halted right in my steps.

"Humans." I said.

I could smell them, their wretched scent that lingered with nothing but negativity, hate and destruction.

"They are close. We are close too, I feel it" I told Stephen

Stephen stops right beside me, his hackles raised as he picked up on the scent of the humans. "What do we do?" he asked, his voice low and dangerous.

I considered our options, my mind racing. "We can't let them find us," I said, my voice firm. "We'll have to move quickly and silently."

Stephen nodded, his gaze scanning the shadows for any sign of movement.

"Follow me," I said, padding softly towards a side door that led into the woods. The scent of lavender and honey lingered, drawing me towards the girl who needed our help. But the stench of the humans was also strong, a constant reminder of the danger that lurked nearby.

As we slipped into the shadows of the forest, I couldn't help but wonder what had brought this girl into the path of such dangerous foes. And more importantly, could we reach her in time?

Suddenly, a rustle nearby caused us to freeze. Stephen's muscles tensed, his instincts sharpened by years of survival in the wild. I motioned for him to stay silent as I cautiously approached the source of the disturbance.

My senses on high alert, I crept forward, my paws making no sound on the soft earth. The rustling grew louder, and I caught a glimpse of something moving in the underbrush. My heart raced as I prepared to face whatever threat lay in wait.

But as I drew closer, the scent of lavender and honey grew stronger, overpowering the smell of the humans. Her once beating fast heartbeat now slow, really slow and unstable. She was losing her heartbeat.

As we arrived deep in the forest, The scent was right where we stood in search.

I heard her little unsteady running steps, they seem imbalanced, like she was going to fall the next minute. 

I looked straight to where the sound came from and finally saw her hair, pure white. 

She looked dizzy, like she was trying to hold herself still, her both hands on her head like she wanted to keep it steady. Her white hair matted with dirt and leaves, her breathing shallow and labored. She was injured, her body covered in deep wounds, cuts and bruises.

I saw her face. Stephen saw it too because I heard his heart stop for a minute.

I stumbled behind, my paws couldn't carry me. What I felt was more than utter shock.

I couldn't believe who was before me.

It was Evara.

She fell to the floor and her eyes closed.

The world around me spun as I struggled to process what I was seeing. It couldn't be real, it couldn't be her. Evara was gone, lost to me forever. And yet, here she was, collapsed on the forest floor, her white hair fanning out around her.

I stumbled forward, my legs shaking as I nudged her gently with my snout. She didn't move, her breathing shallow and uneven.

Stephen looked at me, his eyes wide with shock and confusion. "Is it... is it really her?" he asked, his voice barely audible.

I couldn't speak, my mind still reeling from the shock of seeing her again. But as I stared down at her face, the face I had loved and lost, I knew in my heart that it was her.

The pain in my chest returned, sharper than ever before. I had found her, but was it too late?

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