


Work the day after dinner is surprisingly calm. There are still a dozen made men sitting around and eating through Demetrios's stock of lamb. I notice a few of them staring at me, and when I look back, they don't turn away like they used to. There's an intensity to the way the guys are looking at me. I assume it's because I'm the lord's fiancée, but I get a weird vibe and I'm not sure what to do with it, so I just ignore them.

But otherwise it's quiet, no angry Greek lords or ladies bothering me while I'm trying to do my job.

Except Phel, of course. "My dad was basically glowing after Eros spoke to him yesterday," she says with a massive grin. "You should've seen him at home. He was like a schoolgirl with a crush."

"I can get him Eros's autograph if he'd like."

"Girl, don't joke, he'd freak out if you did that."

I laugh despite myself. Demetrios is a good man and he's been more than kind to me, so I don't want to get involved in his daughter's good-natured teasing, but it does fe
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