


The pungent scent of burning marijuana fills the air.

It's nearly choking. Thick plumes gust into the sky with each breeze. I can barely see the stars, and the full moon's a black circle. I stand well back from the flames with Sean at my elbow. Orange and red flames lick along perfect rows of plants, catching and spreading in the direction of the wind. Nearby, my men run around, throwing more Molotov cocktails into the field, starting more blazes.

Soon, the entire farm will burn to ashes.

And ten others just like it in northern Oregon will burn as well. Multiple farms hit, all in one coordinated attack on Paul's suppliers. These are Paul's closest business associates, and nobody will be confused about why they were attacked.

I tried to avoid this, but it's time.

"What are you thinking?" Sean asks as I walk away from the scene back to where we parked the cars a mile off the main road.

"Nobody's going to mistake this little revenge," I say, putting the stench of burning weed beh
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