


I chew on my lip for a second, digesting. I've never heard him talk like this before, and the look on his face suggests it isn't easy. "That was hard for you, wasn't it?"

"Yes," he admits. "But I've been thinking that I don't want to keep going in this war, keep risking my life without ever telling someone that. Without ever admitting I'm imperfect."

"Nobody thinks you're perfect, Eros. Nobody expects you to be, either."

"In a family like this, even if everyone knows the lord is flawed, they pretend otherwise. Admitting to flaws is admitting to weakness, and weakness gets you killed when you're standing at the top of a mountain built on blood."

"But you trust me enough to say it?"

He closes his eyes. "You might be the only person I trust, asteraki mu. I know you're angry with me—"

"I'm not angry."

He opens them and looks over. "Then why have you acted like you don't want to be around me?"

"I'm trying to be realistic," I say softly, forcing myself to stay calm. I swear, he must be
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