
65. I love you Mr. Wrong

"Today, I'll keep my heart out to you and will submit myself, heart, faith, trust, everything to you"


What's on your mind baby?, he gave it a thought asking himself but found nothing else of curiosity building more and more inside him.

Shrugging his shoulders he wore them while keeping his shirts two button down and sprayed her favourite cologne which Kevin recently gifted him on his neck and wrist. He inhaled that strong cologne and smiled feeling satisfied with his dressing and that's when his eyes went to his messy hair.

But just when he was adjusting his hair with his hands after drying it with a dryer she came in. He got startled as he was not really expecting her to come like this nor did he see it but just sensed her touch when her fingers brushed his neck.

"What are you doing wifey? Were you staring at me naked when I was dressing up because the way you come in it feels like you were tiptoed to get in?", he said with amusement and she giggled hearing him.

"Well, why to s
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