

I blamed and cursed myself. I did not let Marcus to finish his announcement and just hurriedly came into my car. Good thing there was no traffic welcomed me because God knew I would really explode for more if ever... Shit.. Kyra... She's attacked. She was hurt. The suspect might cause her lots of bruises. She probably cried. Damn. Please, God, prove all my thoughts wrong.

"Your security in here is all useless! I thought this is a private school? So why the hell someone attacked Kyra?" I stormed inside the room. It's their break time and most of students were outside the room having their recess. I heard from other children the news about Kyra! Speaking of my daughter, I caught her in her school canteen earlier, and even though she was with her friends, I could say she was somehow traumatized because of what happened.

"I am sorry Mr. Sandoval for the securities' carelessness. We will carry all the responsibilities. We are planning to talk to Kyra's mother about this inc

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