
Chapter 169

Wolf and Matt returned to Austin's office. They told Austin how they dealt with the problem.

When Austin heard that, he only gave a calm response before telling Wolf and Matt to leave.

While Wolf was giving his report, Austin's phone rang with continuous notifications from WhatsApp.

After Wolf and Matt left, Austin finally took his phone and navigated to WhatsApp.

When he read the messages, his eyes widened, and his expression shifted.

Fury boiled inside him.

The messages Susie sent were like burning hot knives that stabbed his heart.

He was furious!

Austin slammed his palm on the office desk.

The employees outside the office were startled when they heard the thunderous noise.

What happened?

The employees all thought of Austin as a calm and collected man.

From when he became the vice president till he took over Dominion, he had never lost his cool like this!

Even when he bought Dominion and was scammed by Brock so badly that everyone thought Dominion was going to go bankru
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