
Chapter 608

For the past 3 years, It was all Cecily had been waiting for. It was all she had ever wanted.

To hold Austin's hand, be by his side, and grow old together.

Austin pulled Cecily around to head back to the house. "Let's go home."

As they arrived at the door, they were met with Aldus running out of the house in a hurry.

"Sir, bad news," said Aldus.

"What's wrong?" asked Austin.

"Security just informed us that there's a luxury car blocking Heavensgate Residence's entrance and was asking for you by name. They've made it clear that they will not move until you show up."

Austin grinned and replied, "What's up with Jacob's security team… Have they really become so easily intimidated by just anyone?"

He still remembered how the security team stopped Harvey from barging through Heavensgate Residence with his Audi A4 by ramming his car head-on with their own.

On the other hand, Austin realized that the current guest must be leagues above Harvey if the security guards were hesitant to dr
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