
Chapter 22

When Takumi couldn't find Twilight the next morning, he brushed it off as her leaving for work early. He figured she was still mad at him and carried on, as usual, getting ready for school. He met up with Hansuke, Ichiya and Keito at the school gate.

“Morning, Tak-kun. You're right on time; Kei-kun was just about to share some interesting information.”

“That so?”

“Yes, apparently you guys have a new student joining your class,” Keito said.

“I wonder if they're a girl or a dude,” Hansuke said.

“If she's a girl, I get first dibs,” Ichiya stated.

“Why bother telling us? Either way, we know you always get first dibs with the ladies. Try not to get slapped or scare her away, if she's even a her. I hope for her sake she's not.” Hansuke said.

“Whether she's a girl or not makes no difference to me.” Takumi shrugged.

“That's only because you only have eyes for a certain silver-haired hard head.” Hansuke nudged his arm.

“I guess that means less competition for me,” Ichiya said.

“Ok, Shorty, tim
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