
Chapter 69


It was the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, and I had training scheduled once again. Tomorrow I’d have the day off. Not all warriors got Thanksgiving off, but I’m pretty sure Blake had a hand in my schedule. I went to visit Tyler at the clinic before I had to start my workday.

“How are you feeling?” I asked, taking a seat next to his bed.

“They’re saying I’m fully healed now, and they’re planning to discharge me after one of the doctors looks me over today. Thank Goddess. My mom is getting in tonight, and she would flip if she saw me like this.”

“Does that mean I can give you a hug now?”

“Yeah, my ribs are feeling much better now.” He smiled. I leaned forward to hug him.

“I’m so glad they didn’t do any permanent damage,” I said.

“Yeah, me too. It could have been worse.” He looked at me sadly. “Maybe it was a dumb idea to try to live here and be out of the closet. I really wanted to do something good and make a difference. But if they had killed me, Jack would’ve had to liv
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